The women's group is now being called Disciples Women. We meet at 1:30 PM on the second Tuesday of the month in the room with a view. We have a program and some light refreshments each month. We are branching out and trying to do a hands on mission event at some of our meetings. Many of us participate in quarterly meetings held at different Disciples churches in the Dallas area. Many also participate each spring in a week-end women's retreat at Disciples Crossing and a regional event held in June in various places around the state.
Our study is from the Just Women book that the Disciples press puts out each winter. The various women in the group sign up for the programs and lead them as they come up. For more information contact the church office at 940-566-4990 or Linda Morrow or Charlotte Stephens. |
Address1203 Fulton St
Denton, TX 76201 |
Office Hours Mon-Thur 10am-3pm
Telephone(940) 566-4990